Principal's Message
Wylandville Elementary School is an exciting place to learn. Together, we share experiences that will remain with the students for years to come. The strength of our community and wholehearted passion to make our school a wonderful place of learning for all of us make Wylandville a special place. The students have many opportunities throughout the year. Students and teachers work to be creative, collaborative and use critical thinking skills to solve problems. It is amazing to see the growth that students achieve in their skills and what they can accomplish after participating in research-based lessons focused on PA Standards. It is amazing what we can do when we open ourselves up to new ideas and learning.
Students and staff are always working to "Make Their Mark" on our community and follow the expectations of our building community through our School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Program. Based on the book "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds, we focus on being individuals and the many talents and gifts that each child can bring to the greater group. When students “Make Their Mark”, they are positively reinforced and acknowledged for the good they are doing. Our school is recognized as being at Fidelity in Tier 1 and Tier 2 support for students.
We are excited to continue our partnership with WQED and PBS this year. This five-year cycle project is grant-funded and will result in the development of new content for WQED and PBS to help our young students learn vital skills and content while building critical thinking skills that will help them succeed in life. WQED will also be working with our community partners, which will help get more information out to the local community. This initiative will also have a career component that will help students to explore careers in age-appropriate ways. Our theme has been World of Work as we have grown this partnership.
Special thanks to all of our families and community members who contribute to our school throughout the year. I appreciate the countless ways that you support the school’s work. Thanks for getting your kids to school on time each day, for kind notes of encouragement that mean so much, for sending your kids to school with what they need for each day and for making sure homework gets done -- and turned in. We appreciate you supporting the many outreach projects that we host throughout the year to help those in our community and abroad. Thank you for providing rich, engaging and well-rounded experiences for your children and knowing that education is about joy, wonder and fostering curiosity, along with the development of the social skills needed to succeed. For these and a million other things, I am truly grateful for each member of our school family. Wylandville is so special because of the amazing community of kids, families and staff that are all a part of it.
Shannon Balch