About Wylandville Elementary
Wylandville Elementary, home to over 300 students, is an institution that has consistently achieved recognition and accolades over the years. It has received prestigious awards over the years, including the National Blue Ribbon, underscoring its unwavering commitment to academic excellence and overall success. Beyond the awards, Wylandville's central mission revolves around providing an efficient and empowering space for both students and staff to thrive. With a relentless focus on creating an optimal learning environment, the school ensures that each child has the opportunity to flourish academically and personally, preparing them for a future filled with promise.
News & Announcements
Check out these exciting updates from our Superintendent, Dr. Greg Taranto!
January is National School Director Recognition Month!
The students are enjoying their CKLA studies on the Renaissance.
Check out the award-winning cakes from Ms. Johovich's class Bake Offs at CMHS!
We expect to announce when Kindergarten Registration will open at the end of January.
Happy holidays, Canon-McMillan!